About our Center
The COBRE BD-WH is composed of two cores and five research projects, each led by KU faculty specializing in a range of laboratory, behavioral, and social sciences. The Administrative and Professional Development Core is led by Center Director Heather Desaire, and the Biomedical Data Sets and Services Core (BDSSC) is led by Associate Director, Donna K. Ginther. Project Manager Liz Coleman assists with fiscal planning and communications. 2024 Research Project Leaders include Meredith Hartley, Misty Heggeness, Jarron Saint Onge, Amber Watts, and Rebecca Whelan. In addition, Engaged Faculty Fellows across disciplines receive research support pertaining to the advancement of biomedical research benefiting women.
Cross-Disciplinary Data Analysis
BD-WH is composed of two cores and five research projects, each led by KU faculty specializing in a range of laboratory, behavioral, and social sciences. Fostering cross-disciplinary collaboration, BD-WH aims to build a critical mass of researchers who leverage large biomedical datasets focused on the study and development of women’s health. Biomedical, environmental, and health records data concerning demographics, marital status, family structure, education, and employment are linked to understand how behavior, environment, and biology combine to influence health outcomes.
Addressing Gaps in Research
Planned research draws data from regional communities that often find themselves overlooked in biomedical studies. Racial, social, and economic disparities are primary considerations as rural communities and marginalized populations are prioritized to ensure a comprehensive understanding of women's health issues across diverse backgrounds.
Expanding Research Engagement
In addition to supporting faculty-led research projects, BD-WH aims to expand the education and training of students in handling complex datasets. A new Biomedical Datasets and Services Core Lab under the Institute for Policy and Social Research will serve as a research for the entire KU Community. Furthermore, BD-WH will support three new tenure-track faculty hires at KU in the departments of Chemistry, Psychology, and Sociology, whose research will focus on the intersection of big data and biomedical research benefiting women. A Research-Engaged Faculty Fellows Program will also be established under the grant.