Tera Fazzino

Tera Fazzino
  • Pilot Project Leader
  • Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology
  • Associate Director, Cofrin Logan Center for Addiction Research and Treatment

Contact Info

Fraser Hall Room 449
1415 Jayhawk Boulevard
Lawrence, KS 66045


As a translational research scientist, my overarching goal is to identify mechanisms contributing to health risk as informed by both clinical and experimental methods. I have a PhD in Experimental Psychology and a M.A. in Clinical Practices in Psychology, which provides me a unique perspective on health risk behavior and informs my approach to asking research questions. My work spans the areas of addiction, obesity, and eating disorders and relies heavily on mobile technology to assess and intervene on health risk behaviors.

In my spare time, I do capoeira, a Brazilian form of martial arts. I am Faculty Co-Advisor to the KU Capoeira Club (instagram: @capoeiraclubku )


Ph.D., University of Vermont, 2014


My work is at the intersection of addiction, obesity, and eating disorders. I am interested in common reinforcement processes that may contribute to behaviors associated addiction, obesity, and eating disorders, and in the ways that highly palatable foods may influence reinforcement processes and behavior. I use new mobile technology-based methods to measure health risk behaviors in real-time, in participants' own environments.

Research interests:

  • Addiction
  • Obesity


PSYC 690 Addiction (graduate)
PSYC 961 Biological Bases of Psychopathology (graduate)
PSYC 595 Eating and Weight Disorders Online (undergraduate)

Selected Publications

View full list of Dr. Fazzino's publications

Grants & Other Funded Activity

Selected Grants - Current

R01 AA027791-01 (PI: Fazzino)
Funding agency: National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Title: A cluster-randomized trial testing the efficacy of a behavioral activation intervention administered in a college orientation course for freshmen: Alcohol use and related clinical outcomes.
Status: Funded ($1,150,000) 
Dates: 9/2019-8/2024

USDA Promoting the Purchase to Plate Crosswalk Tools Pilot Grant (PI: Fazzino)
Funding agency: United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service
Title: Quantifying the Availability of Hyper-Palatable Foods in US Food Stores and Determining Associations with Household Purchasing Behavior.
Status: Funded 
Dates: 9/2022-6/2024

NSF 2236389 Convergence Accelerator Grant (PI: Schmidtt)
Funding agency: National Science Foundation
Title: Network of User-Engaged Researchers Building Interdisciplinary Scientific Infrastructures for Healthy Food (NOURISH).
Role: Co-Investigator
Status: Funded 
Dates: 12/2022-11/2023